Walking on Eggshells: When Relationships Trigger Emotional Regression
Have you ever felt like you were "walking on eggshells" around your partner? Like any wrong move could shatter the fragile peace? This feeling is common in relationships where one person worries about triggering a negative reaction in the other1. It often stems from a fear of conflict, underlying anxiety, or even past trauma2.
For example, one of my clients reports they often feel like they have to walk on eggshells around their partner. With a time and effort, they began feeling more secure in their relationship, even when allowing their "messiness" to show. One day when they were feeling generally well, one "slip" of messiness occurred, and their partner unexpectedly withdrew. When their partner didn't return, a deep sense of abandonment was triggered. This sudden shift in their emotional well-being caused them to regress, reverting to old, maladaptive behaviors. The situation escalated, leading to anger, stonewalling, and eventually, threats of divorce.
What Is Emotional Regression?
Emotional regression is a defense mechanism where we revert to earlier, less mature ways of coping with stress 3. Think of it as our brain hitting the "rewind" button, returning us to familiar childhood emotions and reactions, even if they're no longer helpful or healthy 4. It's like a time machine, transporting us back to childhood.
While closely related, it's important to distinguish emotional regression from age regression. Age regression involves intentionally reverting to a younger age mentally and emotionally, often as a way to cope with stress or trauma 5. In contrast, emotional regression is typically an unconscious response to a triggering event.
Returning to the above example, this individual's sense of security was abruptly disrupted. This unexpected change in their emotional state triggered a cascade of regressive behaviors. Had they already been feeling anxious or on edge, their partner's actions might not have had such a dramatic impact. This case also highlights how our emotional state can influence our reactions to challenging situations, leading us to explore an interesting aspect of depression...
The Unexpected Consequences of Depression
When we're already feeling down, we don't have as far to fall when faced with additional disappointment. This might sound counterintuitive, but it can be a consequence of early life experiences, particularly those rooted in childhood where we had little control over our environment 6.
Imagine a child growing up in a chaotic or unpredictable home. Staying in a constant state of low-level anxiety can be a way of coping, almost as if it prevents the crushing blows of repeated disappointments.
The problem is, we carry these childhood adaptations with us into adulthood. Even when our environment is safe and stable, our bodies may remember the old patterns. When triggered, we can regress emotionally, reverting to what used to keep us safe, because it is familiar, even if it's no longer beneficial 7.
The Link Between Regression and Childhood Trauma
It's important to understand that our past experiences, especially those from childhood, can significantly influence our present-day relationships 8. Childhood trauma, such as abuse or neglect, can create deep-seated insecurities and anxieties that manifest in adulthood as difficulty trusting others, fear of intimacy, and challenges with emotional regulation 9. These unresolved issues can make individuals more susceptible to emotional regression when triggered in their adult relationships 10.
Recognizing Regression in Relationships
Emotional regression can manifest in various ways within relationships. Some common examples include:
- Overdependence: Clinginess, needing constant reassurance, or an inability to make decisions independently, mirroring a child-parent dynamic 11.
- Avoidance: Shutting down, withdrawing emotionally, or refusing to communicate when faced with conflict, instead of addressing issues maturely 11.
- Emotional Outbursts: Reacting disproportionately to situations with anger, tears, or tantrums, similar to childhood behaviors 12.
- Passive-Aggression: Expressing anger or frustration indirectly through subtle behaviors like sarcasm, sulking, or procrastination, rather than direct communication 11.
- Reliving Past Hurts: During arguments, individuals may regress and react as if their partner is someone from their past who hurt them, blurring the lines between present and past experiences 13.
It's important to note that while we're focusing on emotional and behavioral signs, emotional regression can also manifest as physical symptoms. These can include sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, or even physical complaints like stomachaches or headaches 6.
Moving Forward
If you find yourself relating to these experiences, therapy can provide a safe space to explore these patterns and develop healthier coping mechanisms 14. By understanding the roots of your reactions, you can learn to:
- Identify your triggers: Recognize the specific situations, behaviors, or words that activate your regressive tendencies 15.
- Develop self-awareness: Pay attention to your emotional and physical responses in triggering situations 15.
- Challenge negative thoughts: Question and reframe unhelpful thought patterns that contribute to anxiety and regression 15.
- Communicate assertively: Express your needs and boundaries clearly and directly, rather than resorting to passive-aggressive or childlike behaviors 12.
- Practice self-soothing: Develop healthy coping strategies for managing stress and anxiety. This might involve mindfulness techniques, deep breathing exercises, engaging in calming activities like spending time in nature, or exploring creative outlets 15.
In addition to these techniques, it's essential to explore the underlying needs that may be driving the regressive behaviors 16. Often, emotional regression is a way of seeking unmet needs from childhood, such as feeling safe, secure, and loved. By understanding these deeper emotional roots, you can begin to address them in healthy and constructive ways.
Emotional regression is a common defense mechanism that can significantly impact our relationships. It often underlies the feeling of "walking on eggshells" where individuals fear triggering negative reactions in their partners. By understanding its origins and recognizing its manifestations, we can take steps to address the underlying issues and develop healthier ways of relating to others. If you're struggling with emotional regression or feeling like you're "walking on eggshells" in your relationships, seeking professional help from a therapist can provide valuable support and guidance on your journey towards healthier and more fulfilling connections.
If you are in the Dallas, Texas area and would like to explore these issues further, please don't hesitate to reach out to me for a consultation. You can find my contact information on my website.
Works cited
1. Walking on eggshells Relationship (Dysregulated) - Reconnect Counseling, accessed December 19, 2024, https://www.reconnectcounseling.com/unhealthy-relationship-patterns-categorizing-the-21-types/walking-on-eggshells-relationship-dysregulated/
2. How to Stop Walking on Eggshells in Your Relationship | Paired, accessed December 19, 2024, https://www.paired.com/articles/walking-on-eggshells
3. pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, accessed December 19, 2024, https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4578899/#:~:text=WHAT%20IS%20REGRESSION%3F,in%20a%20more%20adult%20manner).
4. Regression: What Is It and How to Stop It - Verywell Mind, accessed December 19, 2024, https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-regression-in-psychology-5198737
5. How to Stop Age Regressions: Causes, Signs, & Overcoming It - Psych Central, accessed December 19, 2024, https://psychcentral.com/pro/are-you-emotionally-regressing
6. Regression | Description, Characteristics, Causes, & Therapy - Britannica, accessed December 19, 2024, https://www.britannica.com/science/regression-psychology
7. Regression: Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Management - PMC, accessed December 19, 2024, https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4578899/
8. How Childhood Trauma Affects Adulthood: The Lifelong Impact | Counseling Center Group, accessed December 19, 2024, https://counselingcentergroup.com/childhood-trauma-and-adulthood/
9. How Childhood Trauma Affects Adult Relationships And Also How It Affects Behavioral Health - Harmony United Psychiatric Care, accessed December 19, 2024, https://hupcfl.com/how-childhood-trauma-affects-adult-relationships-and-also-how-it-affects-behavioral-health/
10. How abuse in childhood affects your relationships as an adult - Lionhearted Counseling, accessed December 19, 2024, https://www.lionheartedcounseling.com/trauma-therapy/how-abuse-in-childhood-affects-your-relationships-as-an-adult
11. Regression as a Defense Mechanism | Relational Psych, accessed December 19, 2024, https://www.relationalpsych.group/articles/regression-as-a-defense-mechanism
12. Regression | Psychology Today, accessed December 19, 2024, https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/basics/regression
13. "Am I Safe With You?" | Psychology Today, accessed December 19, 2024, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/rediscovering-love/202211/am-i-safe-you
14. psychcentral.com, accessed December 19, 2024, https://psychcentral.com/pro/are-you-emotionally-regressing#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20most%20effective,find%20healthier%20ways%20to%20cope.
15. When Youre Triggered and Regress Emotionally - Psych Central, accessed December 19, 2024, https://psychcentral.com/pro/recovery-expert/2018/12/when-youre-triggered-and-regress-emotionally
16. Dark Night of Marriage | Psychology Today, accessed December 19, 2024, https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/the-secular-mystic-path/202407/dark-night-of-marriage