Death and Human Mating Habits in the 21st Century #D&HMH

This series of posts will combine two of my loves: depth psychology and music. Specifically, I'll be applying a depth psychological lens to the lyrics of contemporary popular music. Themes of relational longing, family of origin trauma, maladaptive behavioral patterns, unconscious wish fulfillment, and more will be discussed, and the floor will be open for feedback. If my musings are critical, it is because I firmly believe that manure makes great fertilizer.

I also enjoy thinking of humans, animals, insects, flora, fauna, planets, galaxies, the universe, etc. We are in relationship with our environment, shaping it while shaped by it, fueled by our biology driving us to eat, sleep, adapt, create, and procreate. Shaped by both the music of the last 40 years as well as psychoanalysis, Thus, these writings are titled "Death and Human Mating Habits..."


Navigating Nuance in Today's Polarized Conversations


Parent - Child Relationship